Statistics & Research about Washington,IL - Alexander Murray Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Washington,IL an area served by Alexander Murray Agency

Phone : 309-444-3522

Car dealers nearby Alexander Murray Agency

Uftring Chevrolet

Uftring Chevrolet 1860 Washington Road, Washington, IL 61571
Phone: (309) 481-4210

Real estate research for area nearby Alexander Murray Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Normal 159,500 742 5.6
Danvers 135,200 675 6.0
Armington 83,400 860 12.4
Manito 110,300 596 6.5
Tremont 179,000 730 4.9
Green Valley 97,800 679 8.3
Bell Plain 96700 NA NA
Washburn 90,100 738 9.8
Radnor 258,000 694 3.2
Whitefield 205000 NA NA

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Alexander Murray Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Normal 143200
Danvers 141100
Armington 9999
Manito 122900
Tremont 242600
Green Valley 137500
Radnor 272600
South Pekin 209100
Norwood 262500
Chillicothe 122100
El Paso 317900

Number of new houses in places near by Alexander Murray Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Normal 275000

Number of blacks in places near by Alexander Murray Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Normal 4316
Washburn 2
Radnor 7
Norwood 4
Elmwood 15
Chillicothe 18
El Paso 27

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Alexander Murray Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Normal 4707
Danvers 105
Armington 31
Manito 204
Tremont 111
Green Valley 25
Bell Plain 28
Washburn 65
Radnor 410
Whitefield 13
South Pekin 33
Norwood 11
Elmwood 148
Chillicothe 489
El Paso 268