Statistics & Research about Aroma Park,IL - Aspen Insurance Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Aroma Park,IL an area served by Aspen Insurance Group Inc

104 S Bridge Street
Aroma Park,IL

Real estate research for area nearby Aspen Insurance Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Kentland 84,400 650 9.2
Lowell 146,500 877 7.2
Aroma Park 100,800 840 10
Ridgeland 85,400 740 10.4
Sun River Terrace 104,400 725 8.3
Reddick 116,800 1344 13.8
Iroquois 98,300 458 5.6
Diamond 187,200 839 5.4
Momence 135,400 803 7.1
Lakewood Shores 143,900 586 4.9

Number of old houses in places near by Aspen Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Kentland 79500
Lowell 141200
Aroma Park 83500
Ridgeland 84600
Reddick 128100
Iroquois 95000
Diamond 102500
Momence 116500
Lakewood Shores 161600
Iroquois 76100
Martinton 87900
Reed 120500
Gilman 79300
Salina 149100

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Aspen Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Kentland 122
Lowell 555
Aroma Park 27
Ridgeland 17
Sun River Terrace 4
Reddick 19
Iroquois 26
Diamond 120
Momence 279
Lakewood Shores 34
Iroquois 143
Martinton 116
Reed 348
Gilman 55
Salina 121

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Aspen Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Kentland 17
Lowell 102
Aroma Park 8
Ridgeland 8
Sun River Terrace 5
Reddick 3
Iroquois 3
Diamond 4
Momence 58
Iroquois 29
Martinton 15
Reed 20
Gilman 23
Salina 11

Number of blacks in places near by Aspen Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Kentland 3
Lowell 197
Aroma Park 16
Sun River Terrace 363
Diamond 64
Momence 70
Reed 48
Gilman 7
Salina 2