Statistics & Research about Mount Carroll,IL - Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Mount Carroll,IL an area served by Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Phone : 815-244-1570

Real estate research for area nearby Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Waterford 90,800 550 7.3
Clinton County 110,700 580 6.3
Thompson 172400 NA NA
Union Grove 154200 NA NA
Rock Falls 79,000 625 9.5
Freeport 80,500 598 8.9
Elk River 233,300 637 3.3
Buffalo 95,000 680 8.6
Sterling 91,400 633 8.3
Cordova 135,900 725 6.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Waterford 71
Clinton County 5835
Thompson 207
Union Grove 174
Rock Falls 1444
Freeport 4277
Elk River 58
Buffalo 245
Sterling 2174
Cordova 121
Stephenson County 6276
Nora 31
Pleasant Valley 4
Spragueville 11
Palmyra 298

Number of vacant houses in places near by Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Waterford 29
Clinton County 1830
Thompson 645
Union Grove 55
Rock Falls 452
Freeport 1473
Elk River 22
Buffalo 153
Sterling 809
Cordova 39
Stephenson County 2443
Nora 6
Pleasant Valley 39
Palmyra 80

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Waterford 65000
Clinton County 126100
Union Grove 91500
Rock Falls 92100
Freeport 100600
Elk River 245000
Buffalo 73600
Sterling 99900
Cordova 165600
Stephenson County 111200
Nora 186000
Spragueville 77500
Palmyra 154000

Number of blacks in places near by Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Clinton County 1471
Rock Falls 106
Freeport 4075
Buffalo 17
Sterling 392
Cordova 1
Stephenson County 4316
Palmyra 10