Statistics & Research about Monmouth,IL - Conour Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Monmouth,IL an area served by Conour Insurance Inc

219 E Euclid Avenue

Car dealers nearby Conour Insurance Inc

Cavanaughs Motors

Cavanaughs Motors, 1121 N 6th St , Monmouth, IL , 61462 , Sales: (866) 690-2211Service: (866) 466-6209Parts: (888) 480-3631
Phone: (866) 690-2211

Real estate research for area nearby Conour Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Seaton 56,100 1375 29.4
Ellison 154400 NA NA
Oxford 115,100 645 6.7
Carman 116700 NA NA
London Mills 49,400 588 14.3
Reynolds 96,200 677 8.4
Kelly 85,700 291 4.1
Terre Haute 57500 NA NA
Coldbrook 141000 NA NA
Fairview 82,500 818 11.9

Number of old houses in places near by Conour Insurance Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Seaton 45800
Ellison 153100
Oxford 83200
London Mills 46700
Reynolds 65500
Kelly 63800
Terre Haute 25300
Coldbrook 117200
Fairview 75000
Good Hope 62200
Burlington 69400
Ohio Grove 133800
Oneida 65900
Woodhull 82300

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Conour Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Oxford 167900
London Mills 575000
Reynolds 131300
Fairview 212500
Good Hope 70800
Burlington 144300
Oneida 116700

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Conour Insurance Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Seaton 38
Ellison 41
Oxford 219
Carman 74
London Mills 55
Reynolds 129
Kelly 117
Terre Haute 38
Coldbrook 99
Fairview 131
Good Hope 90
Burlington 4549
Ohio Grove 40
Oneida 179
Woodhull 172

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Conour Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Seaton 54400
Oxford 92100
London Mills 56700
Reynolds 142000
Kelly 179200
Coldbrook 84800
Fairview 87500
Good Hope 105000
Burlington 103400
Oneida 77000
Woodhull 93300