Statistics & Research about Athens,IL - Crum Halsted Agency, Inc.

Here are some statistics & research about Athens,IL an area served by Crum Halsted Agency, Inc.

106 E Jackson St

Real estate research for area nearby Crum Halsted Agency, Inc.

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Panther Creek 72,300 716 11.9
Cooper 207,500 1236 7.1
Kilbourne 63,100 539 10.3
Waverly 73,900 668 10.8
Divernon 105,300 771 8.8
Pennsylvania 137500 NA NA
Cass County 76,400 643 10.1
Talkington 49700 NA NA
Alexander 79,600 836 12.6
Capital 115,700 705 7.3

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Crum Halsted Agency, Inc.

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Panther Creek 13
Cooper 16
Kilbourne 16
Waverly 26
Divernon 14
Cass County 423
Capital 6667
Fancy Prairie No. 3 26
Athens 53
Topeka 3
Oakford No. 9 31

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Crum Halsted Agency, Inc.

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Panther Creek 35000
Cooper 234100
Waverly 146900
Divernon 116700
Cass County 111700
Capital 142100
Athens 75000
Topeka 9999

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Crum Halsted Agency, Inc.

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Panther Creek 50
Cooper 183
Kilbourne 91
Waverly 296
Divernon 313
Pennsylvania 55
Cass County 2370
Talkington 17
Alexander 99
Capital 21270
Maxwell 16
Fancy Prairie No. 3 42
Athens 429
Topeka 8
Oakford No. 9 84

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Crum Halsted Agency, Inc.

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Panther Creek 29
Cooper 31
Kilbourne 26
Waverly 100
Divernon 68
Pennsylvania 21
Cass County 1015
Talkington 4
Alexander 16
Capital 7224
Maxwell 23
Fancy Prairie No. 3 13
Athens 84
Oakford No. 9 1