Statistics & Research about Dixon,IL - Crum-Halsted Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Dixon,IL an area served by Crum-Halsted Agency Inc

Phone : 815-288-1010

Real estate research for area nearby Crum-Halsted Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
New Bedford 72500 NA NA
Mendota 121,600 639 6.3
Deer Grove 90,000 825 11
German Valley 106,000 563 6.4
Sterling 91,400 633 8.3
Ogle County 151,400 669 5.3
Monroe 176,300 917 6.2
Oregon 119,300 591 5.9
Alto 170,200 950 6.7
Dixon 97,400 573 7.1

Number of old houses in places near by Crum-Halsted Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
New Bedford 65800
Mendota 105300
Deer Grove 109400
German Valley 104200
Sterling 85100
Ogle County 119100
Monroe 175400
Oregon 110000
Alto 121900
Dixon 79000
Prophetstown 85100
Nachusa 182700
La Moille 83500
Monroe Center 106300
Rock Falls 74400

Number of vacant houses in places near by Crum-Halsted Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
New Bedford 8
Mendota 378
German Valley 28
Sterling 809
Ogle County 1811
Monroe 71
Oregon 228
Alto 25
Dixon 675
Prophetstown 98
Nachusa 25
La Moille 30
Monroe Center 28
Rock Falls 452

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Crum-Halsted Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
New Bedford 3
Mendota 339
Deer Grove 5
German Valley 8
Sterling 953
Ogle County 1447
Monroe 4
Oregon 169
Alto 5
Dixon 642
Prophetstown 63
Nachusa 5
La Moille 23
Monroe Center 4
Rock Falls 647

Number of blacks in places near by Crum-Halsted Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Mendota 45
Sterling 392
Ogle County 499
Oregon 44
Dixon 1542
Prophetstown 11
Nachusa 4
La Moille 2
Rock Falls 106