Statistics & Research about Quincy,IL - Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Quincy,IL an area served by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 217-653-7213

Car dealers nearby Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Gem City Ford Lincoln Mercury

Phone: (217) 222-8700

Sgl Motor Co

Phone: 217-224-2922

Real estate research for area nearby Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Rocky Run 188800 NA NA
St. Albans 40000 NA NA
Clayton 60,200 346 6.9
Monticello 55000 NA NA
Alexandria 31500 NA NA
Palmyra 95,400 475 6.0
Payson 81,300 504 7.4
Walker 90,000 661 8.8
Fabius 150,500 560 4.5
Houston 88900 NA NA

Number of old houses in places near by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
St. Albans 42700
Clayton 49100
Monticello 53300
Alexandria 85000
Palmyra 86900
Payson 76000
Walker 68800
Fabius 75600
Houston 166100
New London 67500
La Belle 45600
Hadley 101000
Liberty 136100
Wilcox 218300

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Clayton 17
Palmyra 34
Payson 43
Walker 22
New London 9
La Belle 37
Hadley 6
Liberty 20
Wilcox 3

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Clayton 257500
Monticello 545000
Alexandria 42000
Palmyra 102300
Payson 67500
Fabius 32500
New London 104200
La Belle 30000
Liberty 110000
Wilcox 148400