Statistics & Research about Farmington,IL - Insurance Plus

Here are some statistics & research about Farmington,IL an area served by Insurance Plus

Phone : 309-245-4374

Real estate research for area nearby Insurance Plus

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Malone 177500 NA NA
Truro 82,000 756 11.1
Cedar 77,200 598 9.3
Peoria Heights 85,000 630 8.9
Logan 136,600 671 5.9
Peoria 124,400 697 6.7
Kickapoo 232,200 817 4.2
Pleasant 80,800 550 8.2
Persifer 183000 NA NA
Cincinnati 137,000 702 6.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Insurance Plus

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Malone 17
Truro 123
Cedar 434
Peoria Heights 1480
Logan 262
Peoria 17054
Kickapoo 920
Pleasant 127
Persifer 165
Cincinnati 1273
Yates City 78
Chestnut 37
Creve Coeur 913
Lewistown 510
Sand Prairie 139

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Plus

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Truro 73300
Cedar 78100
Peoria Heights 94500
Logan 151400
Peoria 134600
Kickapoo 138800
Pleasant 58300
Persifer 216700
Cincinnati 138000
Yates City 99100
Creve Coeur 93300
Lewistown 103000
Sand Prairie 101200

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Insurance Plus

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Malone 6
Truro 34
Cedar 71
Peoria Heights 72
Logan 47
Peoria 1850
Kickapoo 308
Pleasant 15
Persifer 26
Cincinnati 140
Yates City 8
Creve Coeur 42
Lewistown 5
Sand Prairie 39

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Plus

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Truro 217500
Cedar 207800
Peoria Heights 241700
Logan 237100
Peoria 256300
Kickapoo 289100
Pleasant 93300
Persifer 211600
Cincinnati 210200
Yates City 184400
Chestnut 215000
Creve Coeur 39400
Lewistown 179200
Sand Prairie 109500