John E Miller Financial Services LLC
About : Independent Insurance Company
Description : John E Miller Financial Services is an established company located in Rock Island, Illinois, part of the Quad - Cities Metropolitan Area. John E. Miller II and Amy Kent are ready and eager to help in providing several insurance and retirement products to individuals, families, and businesses.
1301 30th Street, Rock Island, IL 61201
Distance: 8.9 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Thank you so much to the Quad City Chamber of Commerce and to Chuck Austin who came to speak today at the ribbon cutting ceremony. It was an absolute success!!!
We are so happy to be up on College Hill and thankful for a wonderful community to support us!.
As of January 1st 2015 the minimum mandatory coverage amounts for Illinois automobile liability insurance policies will increase from 20/40/15 to 25/50/20. Combined single limit from $55,000 to $70,000.
You are Cordially Invited to our ribbon cutting ceremony with the Quad City Chamber at our new location tomorrow from 2pm to 2:30pm and our open house from 2pm to 5pm.
Please come and Tour our new location, meet the agency, and enjoy light refreshments.