Statistics & Research about Petersburg,IL - Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Petersburg,IL an area served by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 217-632-3975

Real estate research for area nearby Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Athens South No. 1 128,400 725 6.8
Riverton 99,500 733 8.8
Emden 75,300 708 11.3
Corwin 73,700 449 7.3
Cartwright 137,200 675 5.9
Bluff Springs 134,400 583 5.2
Jacksonville No. 11 151,900 618 4.9
Jacksonville No. 5 62,600 646 12.4
Pleasant Plains 125,500 675 6.5
Irish Grove No. 4 117500 NA NA

Number of whites in places near by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Athens South No. 1 1539
Riverton 3406
Emden 317
Corwin 586
Cartwright 1438
Bluff Springs 809
Jacksonville No. 11 1273
Jacksonville No. 5 1260
Pleasant Plains 855
Irish Grove No. 4 194
Sherman 3746
Greenview No. 6 935
Indian Creek No. 7 405
Woodland 448
Jacksonville No. 16 978

Number of old houses in places near by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Athens South No. 1 98300
Riverton 127100
Emden 54500
Corwin 64100
Cartwright 76700
Bluff Springs 160200
Jacksonville No. 11 150000
Jacksonville No. 5 51500
Pleasant Plains 73300
Irish Grove No. 4 116900
Sherman 183300
Greenview No. 6 87100
Indian Creek No. 7 94500
Woodland 88500
Jacksonville No. 16 166400

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Athens South No. 1 77
Riverton 242
Emden 15
Corwin 29
Cartwright 120
Bluff Springs 79
Jacksonville No. 11 48
Jacksonville No. 5 23
Pleasant Plains 73
Irish Grove No. 4 16
Sherman 413
Greenview No. 6 63
Indian Creek No. 7 17
Woodland 51
Jacksonville No. 16 166

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Athens South No. 1 191900
Riverton 203100
Corwin 267300
Cartwright 185600
Bluff Springs 287500
Pleasant Plains 181300
Sherman 220300
Greenview No. 6 33100
Indian Creek No. 7 193800
Woodland 67400