Somonauk Insurance Agency Inc.
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Description : Be certain your assets are properly covered with policies from our insurance company in Somonauk, Illinois. Somonauk Insurance Agency, Inc. & Rex Agency, Inc. has been providing quality service for all of our customers insurance needs since 1893.
145 E Market Street, Somonauk, IL 60552
Distance: 49.1 Miles
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A cash homeowners' policy will pay the homeowner the original purchase price of whatever was damaged (minus the deprecation of wear-and-tear). For example, if a home was purchased for $100,000 ten years ago, then the homeowner can collect only $100,000 (less a decade of depreciation), even if the home is currently appraised at a higher value.
Did you know that consumers lose about $300 million a year because they don\u2019t inquire or utilize discounts available to them? If you are 55 years or older, talk to your homeowners insurance agent.
How do insurers determine the cost of auto insurance? The industry relies heavily on statistics, including accident information that covers both the specific type of vehicle you own and the area where you live.