Statistics & Research about Fulton,IL - Suehl Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Fulton,IL an area served by Suehl Insurance Agency

1418 14TH AVENUE
Phone : 815-589-4763

Real estate research for area nearby Suehl Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Morrison 87,600 620 8.5
Atkinson 101,200 547 6.5
Low Moor 96700 NA NA
Nelson 112,000 639 6.8
East Moline 112,500 605 6.5
Milledgeville 83,500 608 8.7
Fulton 109,500 571 6.3
Coe 228,000 1098 5.8
Jordan 175,700 688 4.7
Savanna 75,100 524 8.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Suehl Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Morrison 656
Atkinson 175
Low Moor 60
Nelson 64
East Moline 3017
Milledgeville 178
Fulton 771
Coe 92
Jordan 71
Savanna 676
Princeton 225
Canoe Creek 124
Yorktown 27
Berreman 6
Wysox 188

Number of old houses in places near by Suehl Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Morrison 83900
Atkinson 90000
Low Moor 95400
Nelson 65400
East Moline 85700
Milledgeville 79200
Fulton 94500
Coe 174700
Jordan 122800
Savanna 61700
Princeton 176100
Canoe Creek 65900
Yorktown 81300
Berreman 97300
Wysox 83300

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Suehl Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Morrison 145800
Nelson 200000
East Moline 179200
Milledgeville 167200
Fulton 181700
Coe 235300
Savanna 97600
Princeton 221300
Wysox 167200

Number of blacks in places near by Suehl Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Morrison 86
Nelson 15
East Moline 3187
Fulton 90
Savanna 2