About : Independent Insurance Agency located in Petersburg IL
Description : We provide insurance for your needs. We have a full line of Homeowners, Automobile, Commercial, Farm, Life and Health Insurnace.
605 Old Salem Rd, Petersburg, IL 62675
Distance: 6.3 Miles
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Make sure to check back at 1 pm to find out if you won the February prize! One lucky winner will get a $40 gift certificate to Rose Cottage.
We know you don't want to think about it yet, but here are some great tips for winterizing your seasonal home.
This week is Severe Weather Preparedness Week in Illinois and we want to do our part to share information that can help you in the event of a weather emergency.
The American Red Cross is a great resource for information, but did you know they have several free apps for your phone that can help? There's everything from First Aid to emergency info, and if you've got kids, check out the app that has a game to teach them about preparing for emergencies!.