Statistics & Research about Creve Coeur,IL - The Leavitt Group Of Boise Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Creve Coeur,IL an area served by The Leavitt Group Of Boise Inc

429 S Main St
Creve Coeur,IL
Phone : 309-699-2246

Real estate research for area nearby The Leavitt Group Of Boise Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Emden 75,300 708 11.3
Peoria County 124,000 690 6.7
Elba 115100 NA NA
Allin 107,600 663 7.4
Dale 261,300 1018 4.7
Peoria Heights 85,000 630 8.9
White Oak 145,800 675 5.6
Pennsylvania 137500 NA NA
La Prairie 206,900 1181 6.8
North Pekin 90,400 733 9.7

Number of old houses in places near by The Leavitt Group Of Boise Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Emden 54500
Peoria County 84900
Allin 127100
Dale 350000
Peoria Heights 92500
White Oak 120700
Pennsylvania 89700
La Prairie 239700
North Pekin 88600
Lacon 86500
Kickapoo 100600
Marquette Heights 98600
Metamora 138300

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by The Leavitt Group Of Boise Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Emden 5
Peoria County 9965
Allin 16
Dale 25
Peoria Heights 540
White Oak 2
La Prairie 7
North Pekin 27
Lacon 72
Kickapoo 183
Marquette Heights 4
Metamora 60

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by The Leavitt Group Of Boise Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Peoria County 256600
Allin 87500
Dale 261100
Peoria Heights 241700
White Oak 164900
North Pekin 147900
Lacon 215300
Kickapoo 289100
Marquette Heights 158600
Metamora 211700

Number of new houses in places near by The Leavitt Group Of Boise Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Peoria County 300000