Statistics & Research about Clinton,IL - Vanacore Insurance Group Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Clinton,IL an area served by Vanacore Insurance Group Llc

Phone : 217-935-6605

Car dealers nearby Vanacore Insurance Group Llc

Anderson Ford Of Clinton, Inc.

Anderson Ford of Clinton, Inc. ,1001 State Route 10 West , Clinton,IL , 61727 , Sales: 888.715.6476,Parts: (888) 362-6065
Phone: 888.715.6476

Douglas Dodge Ram

Phone: 866-901-1986
url: http://douglasdodge.netindex.htm

Real estate research for area nearby Vanacore Insurance Group Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
De Witt 92,000 525 6.8
Armington 83,400 860 12.4
McLean 109,400 833 9.1
Santa Anna 109,500 629 6.9
Arrowsmith 92,500 675 8.8
Kenney 66,600 625 11.3
Illini 108,000 528 5.9
Minier 110,900 635 6.9
Boynton 146300 NA NA
Cerro Gordo 96,800 667 8.3

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Vanacore Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Armington 9999
McLean 115000
Santa Anna 129200
Arrowsmith 9999
Kenney 82500
Illini 119600
Minier 109100
Cerro Gordo 76700
Harristown 120400
Whitmore 19100
Mount Zion 172600
De Land 96000

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Vanacore Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
De Witt 130
Armington 68
McLean 227
Santa Anna 575
Arrowsmith 143
Kenney 84
Illini 267
Minier 203
Boynton 37
Cerro Gordo 398
Harristown 411
Latham 81
Whitmore 1223
Mount Zion 1407
De Land 124

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Vanacore Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
De Witt 117900
Santa Anna 139100
Illini 205000
Minier 164100
Cerro Gordo 264300
Harristown 171900
Whitmore 185400
Mount Zion 261500

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Vanacore Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
De Witt 198900
McLean 117200
Santa Anna 122100
Arrowsmith 270000
Kenney 97500
Illini 222200
Minier 88300
Cerro Gordo 85000
Harristown 159400
Whitmore 110000
Mount Zion 191800