Statistics & Research about Rock Falls,IL - Wickert Insurance & Financial Services

Here are some statistics & research about Rock Falls,IL an area served by Wickert Insurance & Financial Services

Phone : 815-626-0086

Real estate research for area nearby Wickert Insurance & Financial Services

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Fenton 145300 NA NA
Ohio 103,800 531 6.1
Phenix 182,900 825 5.4
Ustick 159,000 393 3.0
Maryland 161,400 682 5.1
Prophetstown 106,200 640 7.2
Polo 90,800 674 8.9
Fairhaven 93,400 570 7.3
Pine Creek 165300 NA NA
Albany 121,500 531 5.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Wickert Insurance & Financial Services

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Fenton 15
Ohio 58
Phenix 50
Ustick 23
Maryland 17
Prophetstown 376
Polo 239
Fairhaven 115
Pine Creek 60
Albany 148
Oregon-Nashua 700
Carroll County 2432
Thomson 77
Harmon 43
Milledgeville 178

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Wickert Insurance & Financial Services

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Ohio 117200
Maryland 252300
Prophetstown 158900
Polo 155000
Albany 158800
Oregon-Nashua 134200
Carroll County 158300
Thomson 135000

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Wickert Insurance & Financial Services

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Fenton 111
Ohio 166
Phenix 267
Ustick 76
Maryland 193
Prophetstown 419
Polo 424
Fairhaven 205
Pine Creek 188
Albany 259
Oregon-Nashua 1148
Carroll County 3990
Thomson 105
Harmon 46
Milledgeville 256

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Wickert Insurance & Financial Services

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Ohio 112500
Phenix 158600
Maryland 125000
Prophetstown 127600
Polo 73600
Fairhaven 74200
Pine Creek 178100
Albany 120300
Oregon-Nashua 140400
Carroll County 88800
Thomson 102800
Harmon 95000
Milledgeville 95800